How staging can help sell your house

If you're a homeowner who wants to sell your house, you've probably heard a lot about staging. Staging is the practice of decorating and arranging your home in a way that makes it look more attractive to prospective buyers. The idea behind staging is that you can use this technique to make your home feel more spacious and inviting relative to other houses on the market. But what exactly does this entail? And how do you know if staging or just some simple home improvements will help sell your house?

Paint your front door black.

The front door is your first impression, so it's important to make it stand out. Painting it black will do just that. Black stands out and is clean, which can help you sell your house faster by creating an immediate impression as visitors pull up to your home. It also helps you avoid the trap of painting something like purple or green on your door because there’s no chance of buyer’s remorse: if someone buys in a few months, they’ll see the same color as before!

A great way to get started on this project is by choosing a shade that complements the neighborhood in which you live. If yours is more rustic and woodsy, choose something darker like charcoal or chocolate brown; if yours has lots of brick or stone accents, go with lighter options such as white or gray.

Stage the outside of your home as well as the inside.

The outside of your home is just as important as the inside. In fact, it's probably more important, because most buyers will make their decision based on how they feel when they first walk through the front door. That's why you need to make sure that everything outside looks great—from the lawn to your garage and driveway.

  • Make sure that your yard is well-cared for and free of dead plants or other clutter (don't forget about those flower beds).

  • Trim bushes, mow grass and get rid of any leaves or other debris on the ground.

  • Clean up gutters and remove any leaves or branches from them too.


This is the most common mistake we see when staging a house. There is a big difference between “clutter” and “value-add” items, so be sure to remove everything that doesn't add value to your home! For example, if you have too much furniture in your living room and dining room, consider getting rid of it all and investing in some more modern pieces that will make the space feel bigger (and therefore more valuable). Consider hiring a professional organizer to help you declutter, before staging your home. In addition to decluttering your kitchen cabinets and pantry, ask yourself whether or not every single item you own has a place at home. If it doesn't fit into any drawers/cabinets or has no place to live within your home (and this includes bookshelves!), donate those items immediately!

Trust your stager's advice.

As a homeowner, you should always trust your stager’s advice. If you don’t understand why they’re doing something, ask them to explain it to you! Stagers know what buyers want to see when they walk into a home, and they have years of experience in staging homes that have sold quickly. They are there to help you sell your house faster with less stress on both sides.

Remove family photos and other personal accessories.

  • Remove personal items (like family photos and memorabilia).

  • It goes without saying that staging a home can make it look more appealing to buyers, but it also helps you get rid of any clutter that might be distracting or take away from the positive aspects of your home.

Make sure your house smells good.

Of course, you can't stop every person from turning their nose up at your house. Sometimes it's just not for them. But if a potential buyer were to walk into your home and think "this smells like someone's been cooking in here," then that could be enough to turn them away forever. That's why it's important to make sure that the smell of your home is fresh, clean and inviting—and not like cleaning products! The goal is for buyers to imagine themselves living there and enjoying themselves. I know this sounds silly, but try this quick test: If you were walking by and smelled food coming from the kitchen of a house where people lived (and it wasn't 2am), would that make you want to go inside?

If so, then great! You're already halfway there with creating an inviting atmosphere in your home!

Staging can help you sell your house faster, but it helps to understand the basics on how to do this yourself so that you can use the stager more effectively.

Staging your home is an investment, but it's also not as simple as just removing clutter and making the house look nice. Staging can help you sell your house faster by outsmarting the buyer, which means understanding how buyers look at a home.

It's important to understand what buyers are looking for when they see a house on the market and why they're looking there in the first place. Work with a realtor to get the most value from your staged home.

And that's it! These are just a few of the things that staging can do for you, but there are many more. If you have any questions about how to stage your home or if you would like to learn more about our services, please contact us today. We'll be happy to help!

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